Common Heath – Epacris impressa

Common Heath is flowering – (Epacris impressa)

The Victorian floral emblem, the Common Heath grows in heathland, shrubland or open forest as well as being a great plant for a garden. It is generally a small shrub around half to one metre tall, with small stiff leaves. At Candlebark we have both pink and white flowering forms that flower from late autumn to early spring. It is bird attacking and honeyeaters, particularly the eastern spinebill, feed upon the nectar of the flowers.

Our beautiful pots of Common Heath (Epacris impressa) are in full flower.

“Jararium” – a new idea for indoor plants

“Jararium” – a new idea for indoor plants

Following the segment on Gardening Australia in March (see our Facebook post) about creating “jarariums”, one of our wonderful volunteers has created one using Running Marsh Flower and Milfoil – and it looks great. Of course, we have these and a number of other wetland plants that would be perfect for creating your own ‘jararium’ at home.



Our Wonderful Frog Bog

Candlebark frog finally croaks!

Our frog pond has been a number of months in the making – maybe up to a year, however, the results from the efforts of our volunteers are here for you to hear. Our frog seems to be very happy and we hope that he / she finds a friend soon!

Just newly created.

Growing nicely












If the image below is a black rectangle, if you click on it, it should bring up the video. Enjoy ‘slow TV’ Candlebark style.


First Seed Cleaning evening a big success.

The first of our seed cleaning nights on Monday 23rd January was a big success with 12 volunteers attending on a very warm evening. There was lots of cleaning, chatting and eating over the 3 hours that people were at Candlebark Nursery. A big thank you for all the help given to us. Our next evening is Tuesday February 21st. If you can join us to help with processing our collection of seed from 6pm through to about 8.30 – 9.00pm, please send us an email or leave a message on our phone. Email address or Phone: 0499 021 315



Looking for a plant that looks spectacular and can cover a boring fenceline? Cassinia longifolia is one answer.

Cassinia longifolia – A great shrub for screening and looks spectacular when in flower.

Cassinia longifolia grows from 2 – 4 metres tall and 2 – 3 metres wide. It is fast growing, great for creating a screen, and copes with a bit of sun but will also grow well in the shade. It is a butterfly nectar provider and the flowers can be cut and dried. This shrub likes a good prune after flowering to maintain shape and prevent woodiness.

We have plenty of tubestock of this beautiful plant available at the nursery. Come in and check out what we have.

Beautiful flowers

Beautiful flowers


Recycling Tubes

Do You Have Forestry Tubes Lying Around At Home?

Candlebark is keen to promote recycling of forestry tubes and so if you have some tubes that have collected in a corner of your garden and looking for a new home, we would love to help out.

Do drop into the nursery and ‘drop in’ your tubes … and maybe check out our beautiful plants that are waiting to go into gardens. We would also happy to recycle 15cm or 6 inch pots that you no longer need.
