World Environment Day

World Environment Day – 5th June 2018 – Beat Plastic Pollution

Tuesday, 5th June is World Environment Day and the focus this year is on reducing plastic waste – so as a little part to support this move, we are asking everyone who has bought tube stock from our nursery, to return the tubes to us so that we can recycle them and reduce the amount of plastic we are creating. Check out the video below to inspire you!!!

Common Heath – Epacris impressa

Common Heath is flowering – (Epacris impressa)

The Victorian floral emblem, the Common Heath grows in heathland, shrubland or open forest as well as being a great plant for a garden. It is generally a small shrub around half to one metre tall, with small stiff leaves. At Candlebark we have both pink and white flowering forms that flower from late autumn to early spring. It is bird attacking and honeyeaters, particularly the eastern spinebill, feed upon the nectar of the flowers.

Our beautiful pots of Common Heath (Epacris impressa) are in full flower.