Native small to medium shrubs

Local, indigenous, native small to medium shrubs

These native small to medium shrubs are indigenous to the Maroondah, Manningham and Yarra Ranges council areas and are perfectly adapted to these locations. Seeds are collected by experienced and licensed collectors and grown locally, for private gardens council land and revegetation areas.

Native small to medium shrubs grown.

Acacia acinacea     Acacia brownii     Acacia genistifolia     Acacia mucronata     Acacia stricta     Acacia ulicifolia     Acacia verticillata
Bauera rubioides      Coprosma quadrifida     Correa reflexa var. speciosa     Daviesia latifolia     Daviesia leptophylla
Veronica derwentiana    Dillwynia cinerascens      Gompholobium huegelii     Goodenia ovata
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Hakea nodosa     Hakea ulicina     Hibbertia empetrifolia     Hovea heteropyhlla     Indigofera australis
Lythrum salicaria     Olearia erubescens     Olearia ramulosa     Ozothamnus obcordatus     Pimelea axiflora     Pimelea flava
Platylobium obtusangulum      Pomaderris lanigera     Pultenaea daphnoides     Pultenaea scabra


Acacia acinacea


Acacia acinacea
Common Name: Gold Dust Wattle
Size: 0.5-2.5m Tall * 2-4m Wide
Requirements: Full un-partial shade, well drained dry soils.
Localities: Few occurrences Maroondah more common in Manningham.
Open spreading shrub, more dense in cultivation. Very drought tolerant. Bird seed provider.

Acacia brownii

Acacia brownei


Common Name: Heath Wattle
Size: 0.5-1m Tall * 1-2m Wide
Requirements: Partial sun with well drained soils.
Localities: Uncommon in Maroondah, the Shire of Yarra Ranges and Manningham.
Small spreading shrub. Very drought tolerant. Bird seed provider.

Acacia genistafolia


Acacia genistifolia
Common Name: Spreading Wattle
Size: 1-3m Tall * 1-3m Wide
Requirements: Full or partial sun, tolerant of wet or dry soils.
Localities: Dry and valley sclerophyll forest. Widespread throughout Maroondah and areas in the Shire of Yarra Ranges.
Fast-growing, open spreading shrub. Drought tolerant. Bird seed and refuge provider.

Acacia mucronata


Acacia mucronata
Common Name: Narrow-Leaf Wattle
Size: 2-6m Tall * 2-5m Wide
Requirements: Full or partial sun, well drained dry to moist soils.
Localities: Occurring in several reserves in Maroondah and the Shire of Yarra Ranges.
Spreading or erect shrub, variable in form. Good fast growing screen plant. Bird seed provider. Drought tolerant once established.

Acacia stricta


Acacia stricta
Common Name: Hop Wattle
Size: 2-5m Tall * 2-4m Wide
Requirements: Full shade through to full sun. Prefers well drained soils, but will tolerate most soil types.
Localities: Found throughout Maroondah, Manningham and the Shire of Yarra Ranges.
Open upright shrub. Fast growing and tolerant of dry conditions. Useful light screen or windbreak. Bird seed provider.

Acacia ulicifolia


Acacia ulicifolia
Common Name: Juniper Wattle
Size: 1-2m Tall * 1-2m Wide
Requirements: Partial sun. Prefers moist, well drained soils but will tolerate some dry.
Localities: Found occasionally in Manningham and more commonly in Maroondah.
Open rounded shrub which can be used as a low screen. Bird seed and refuge provider.

Acacia verticillata


Acacia verticillata
Common Name: Prickly Moses
Size: 2-6m Tall * 3-5m Wide
Requirements: Partial sun. Tolerant of most soils, including periods of waterlogging.
Localities: Common throughout moist areas in the Shire of Yarra Ranges, Manningham and Maroondah.
Variably shaped, open prickly shrub. Bird seed and refuge provider.

Bauera rubioides


Bauera rubioides
Common Name: River Rose
Size: 1-2m Tall * 1-2m Wide
Requirements: Partial to full shade, well drained, moist soils.
Localities: Occurring in patches throughout the Yarra Ranges.
Fast growing, dense scrambling shrub. Long flowering period. Tolerates periods of waterlogging.

Coprosma quadrifida


Coprosma quadrifida
Common Name: Prickly Current Bush
Size: 2-4m Tall * 1-1.5m Wide
Requirements: Partial to full shade, moist, well drained soils.
Localities: Common throughout both Maroondah, Manningham and the Shire of Yarra Ranges.
Open, upright, spiny shrub, best in shaded positions. Useful low screen when regularly pruned. Sweet fleshy fruits enjoyed by birds.

Correa reflexa


Correa reflexa var. speciosa
Common Name: Native fuschia
Size: 0.3-2m Tall * 1-2m Wide
Requirements: Tolerates full sun through to full shade. Well drained, dry or moist soils.
Localities: Found in one location in Maroondah.
Open upright to spreading shrub. Excellent for dry, shady conditions. Lovely in flower (March to September). Bird nectar provider. Can be used as a low screen when regularly pruned.

Daviesia latifolia


Daviesia latifolia
Common Name: Hop Bitter-Pea
Size: 1-3m Tall * 1-2m Wide
Requirements: Full or partial sun. Dry or moist soils, but adaptable to most soil types.
Localities: Occurs in several reserves around Maroondah and the Shire of Yarra Ranges.
Open, spreading shrub. Spectacular in flower (September to December). Benefits from an annual prune
after flowering.

Daviesia leptophylla


Daviesia leptophylla
Common Name: Slender Bitter Pea
Size: 1-2m tall * 1-2m wide
Requirements: Full-part sun, well drained position.
Localities: Many reserves in both Maroondah, Manningham and the Shire of Yarra Ranges.
Open, erect shrub with beautiful flowers. Benefits from annual pruning after flowering. Very drought tolerant. Caterpillar food plant.

Derwentia derwentiana


Veronica derwentiana
Common Name: Derwent Speedwell
Size: 0.6-1m Tall * 1m Wide.
Requirements: Partial sun to full shade, moist, well drained soil.
Localities: Now rare in Maroondah, more common in the Shire of Yarra Ranges.
Upright to straggly open perennial sub-shrub.  Great for brightening dark, moist spots in the garden.  Very attractive in flower.

Dillwynia cinerascens


Dillwynia cinerascens
Common Name: Grey Parrot Pea
Size: 0.6-1.5m Tall * 0.5-1.5m Wide
Requirements: Partial sun, well drained, dry or slightly moist soils.
Localities: Common in many reserves throughout Maroondah, Manningham and the Shire of Yarra Ranges.
Open understorey shrub.  Very attractive, especially in flower.  Good drought tolerance.

Gompholobium huegelii


Gompholobium huegelii
Common Name: Common Wedge Pea
Size: 0.3-1m Tall * 0.3-1m Wide
Requirements: Partial sun, well drained, dry or moist soils.
Localities: Occurs in various reserves throughout Maroondah, Manningham and the Shire of Yarra Ranges.
Good container plant, but inconspicuous when not in flower.  Very showy when in bloom.

Goodenia ovata


Goodenia ovata
Common Name: Hop Goodenia
Size: 1-2.5m Tall * 1-3m Wide.
Requirements: Full sun through to full shade. Moist soils, tolerating some waterlogging.
Localities: Common throughout Maroondah, Manningham and the Shire of Yarra Ranges.
Easy and fast growing.  Long flowering period.

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 Climbers     Grasses rushes and sedges